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11-Grid and 13-Grid Samurai Sudoku Books

"This puzzle is sooo much fun. Thanks Clarity Media!! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ " - Dixiepeach

Welcome to the latest additions to our range of giant sudoku: this time in the form of two books, the first containing 100 11-grid samurai sudoku puzzles, the second containing puzzles with an eye-watering 13-overlapping grids!

If you like traditional sudoku but are looking for a tougher challenge, then you'll love this collection of books! But be warned, you will need a lot of time to solve the puzzles in this book as there are so many grids in each puzzle. The 13-grid samurai sudoku contains a truly astonishing 1,300 sudoku grids in it it total, and of course there are 1,100 in the 11-grid book: surely the best value sudoku puzzles you can find anywhere!

Here are the rules:

Place the numbers from 1 - 9 once in every row, column and bold-lined 3x3 box that compose the 11 or 13 overlapping grids in these massive puzzles.

That's all there is to it!

These puzzles are printed on high quality paper with one samurai sudoku per page, making the puzzle-solving experience all the more enjoyable! The grid size is large enough for you to make pencilmarks in the grids, to help with the solving experience.

If you would like to try a few of the puzzles before buying this book, please click the link below:

11-grid samurai sample

The 11-grid samurai sudoku puzzle book is available to purchase right now from Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com and Amazon.eu. Please click the relevant link below to purchase this book via Amazon:

If you're based in Europe but outside the UK, then this book is also available on the version of Amazon in your country.

11-Grid and 13-Grid Samurai Questions

Here are the answers to some questions that you might have on these puzzles:

How hard are the puzzles?

The feedback we've received from samurai sudoku fans is that, whilst they want a challenge, they don't want to spend endless time putting pencilmarks into their sudoku to solve the puzzles. Therefore the puzzles in these books will solve with the two most common sudoku solving strategies: working out if there is only one square in a region that a number can be placed, and working out the options for an individual square. You won't need any tougher rules to solve these sudoku, so they are all fair and, whilst tough and time-consuming, don't require any really hard logic to solve.

Can I have a look at the puzzles before deciding whether to buy?

Yes you can - the link above will show you inside the 11-grid samurai sudoku puzzle book, and if you click through on either book above to Amazon you can use the look inside facility to see what is inside the books. If you wish to try a puzzle, you can print off the PDF above of an 11-grid puzzle to get a good idea of the difficulty of the puzzles and how long they take to solve. We hope you will agree that a book of 100 of either of these puzzles is great value for money.

Do you have smaller samurai puzzles available?

We do indeed! For those who prefer the most commonly seen samurai sudoku, which is the 5-grid variant, there are two books available on our standard Samurai Sudoku Book page. The first of these contains 50 5-grid samurai sudoku and 50 5-grid star-samurai sudoku; the second book is a collection of 100 50grid samurai sudoku.

11-grid samurai sudoku cover

13-grid samurai sudoku cover

11-grid samurai sudoku interior

General Knowledge Quiz 2

In our new series of videos, you can learn about new puzzle types and take part in quizzes. Why not have a watch?

This is our second general knowledge quiz. It's time to see how good your general knowledge is! We hope you enjoy having a go and seeing what score you'll get!

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