Welcome to our brilliant new collection of Jigsawdoku Puzzles!
If you're a fan of standard 9x9 sudoku but feel it's time for a change, check out one of our many sudoku variants. Out of those various creations, one of the best variants is undoubtedly jigsaw sudoku, also known as irregular sudoku. It has all the good qualities of sudoku whilst adding something novel into the solving mix - the fact that there are lots of different types of grid patterns, which all solve in a slightly different way whilst using the same familiar sudoku logic.
Jigsaw sudoku puzzles require you to place 1-9 in each row and column, just like ordinary sudoku, but the familiar square 3x3 box region has been replaced with an intriguing range of different shaped regions containing nine cells that fit together to create the grid, a bit like a jigsaw - hence the name jigsaw sudoku.
This jigsaw sudoku book features an all-new collection of 100 fantastic puzzles. They require logic and nothing more to solve - no guessing is ever required. If you like standard sudoku, you should enjoy this book. These puzzles tend to be slightly harder to solve than ordinary sudoku and take longer to solve as a result, and there is a great sense of satisfaction in cracking a particularly tough puzzle. As with all our puzzle books, full solutions are included at the back for you to check your answer or even if you fancy cheating a little!
If you would like to try a free sample before buying this book, please click the link below:
The book of Jigsawdoku puzzles is available to purchase right now from Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com and Amazon.eu. Please click the relevant link below to purchase this book via Amazon:
If you're based in Europe but outside the UK, then this book is also available on the version of Amazon in your country.
Never tried a jigsaw sudoku puzzle? You can try a sample Jigsaw Sudoku Online here. If you prefer to play puzzles online rather than in print, you can also play thousands of online puzzles with a membership to the Puzzle Connoisseur's Club.
How to solve Hanjie Puzzles
In our new series of videos, you can learn about new puzzle types and take part in quizzes. Why not have a watch?
A fun logic puzzle, hanjies result in a simple piece of grid art being created. If you're new to this puzzle type but are intrigued and would like to give it a go, this video has a walkthrough of how to solve a simple hanjie puzzle to start you on your hanjie-solving adventures...
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