Welcome to this collection of 100 absorbing maths pyramid puzzles, which are ideal for developing addition and maths skills generally.
The rules of the game are simple: Fill the pyramid so that every square contains a number. The value of each square in the number pyramid is the sum of the two squares directly under it. If you want to see how this works, take a look at the sample at the bottom right. You will see that some squares contain numbers and others don't. You can see that in the fifth row of the first sample pyramid, there are the numbers 58 and 40 directly underneath the number 98. Note that 40 + 58 = 98 and you understand all you need to know in order to solve maths pyramid puzzles.
Some puzzles have trickier maths than others, and in some places in a puzzle the numbers are harder than others. Indeed, as you work your way up the pyramid you will notice that values get higher, because they are the result of more and more additions lower down the pyramid. The challenge is to crack the pyramid by placing a number in every blank square until you reach the very top of the pyramid.
Every puzzle has a completed solution towards the back of the book, so if you get stuck along the way, take a look there to either give you a hint to enable you to continue, or of course to check your solution is correct if you manage to conquer a puzzle. Remember that it is easy to get maths sums wrong, particularly when learning or if you are trying to solve at speed, so we recommend you solve these using a pencil rather than pen so that you can easily rub out if you make a mistake.
All of our puzzle books are printed on very high quality paper, making the puzzle experience all the more enjoyable! If you would like to try a few of the puzzles before buying this book, please click the link below:
Number Pyramids sample
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