Welcome to this fabulous collection of 100 crosswords for kids!
Staggered in levels easy, medium & hard with different sized grids, this book is sure to test your best puzzle solving skills and determine if you have the ability to be a crossword champion.
Printed in a large 8.5"x11 inch book, there's plenty of room for notes & scribbles along the way.
The rules are simple; answer all questions in the puzzles in order to fill the grid. If some of the clues are tricky, ask an adult for help - that way you'll learn lots along the way!
Can you complete all 100 without the use of the solutions? It's a real challenge, so if you do need a helping hand, take a peek towards the back where all answers are listed.
Good luck and happy solving!
If you would like to try one of the puzzles before buying this book, please click the link below:
Children's Crossword Sample
The book of children's crosswords is available to purchase right now from Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com and Amazon.eu. Please click the relevant link below to purchase this book via Amazon:
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