Love traditional sudoku but wanting more of a challenge?
This collection features a great mix of 100 puzzles, all guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment and advance your sudoku solving skills!
This book contains a top-quality selection of puzzles that are sure to challenge you in the best way possible. Some offer a slight variation of traditional sudoku, others will truly test your ability to become a sudoku champion.
All puzzles come complete with solutions towards the back of the book so if you get stuck along the way, take a look there!
Good luck and happy solving!
If you would like to try a few of the puzzles before buying this book, please click the link below:
Variety Sudoku
Variety Sudoku is available to purchase right now from, and Please click the relevant link below to purchase this book via Amazon:
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Are you a fan of sudoku? Perfect! This book features a great range of mixed puzzles, including plenty of sudokus to keep you busy for hours. Here's a few tips and rules for Sudoku so that you get clued up before tackling puzzles in this book!
- Remember the basic rules: if only one number is a candidate for a square, it can be written in
- If there is only one square in a region that a number can be placed, it must be placed there, regardless of how many numbers left you have as candidates for that square
- Look at squares that are shared by more than one region: if those squares must contain a number then they can be removed from all the other squares in the two regions that share them (this is known as region intersection)
- Look at sets of squares that must contain numbers: for instance if three squares in a region have as candidates 15,125,25 then the numbers 1, 2 and 5 can be removed as candidates from all other squares in the region because you know that these three squares must contain the 1, 2, and 5 in some combination or other.
Using these rules you will be able to solve the puzzles in this enjoyable collection - of course there are other rules you can use too, but you won't need more than these to solve the sudoku puzzles in this collection.